Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It just cracked me up LOL


Mister Ghost said...

Well, it worked well in Japan, Germany, and South Korea. Three
out of four ain't bad. But it
is a funny bumper sticker.

Sumerian Girl said...

There's a very big difference between Iraq and Germany for example .. invading is different than being in a country to work it out and at the same time prepare to not think again of being powerful militarily ..

and if they worked out , that means three out of more than 20 countries that were invaded in 1 century by the US ..

Mister Ghost said...

Hi Sumerian Girl,
I was thinking of occupied countries not invaded :) - but okay - most of those twenty countries you mention must have been during WW I & II - those nations are definitely better off than they were under previous regimes like the Nazis. Others like Cuba and Vietnam would have prospered more under a democracy than their present communist governments.

Sumerian Girl said...

BAD COMPARISON .. it's like saying who's better than Hitler ? BUSH .. UH!!