Friday, June 29, 2007

son of a bitch: Moqtada

I just hate this guy, this naive guy. The guy who came to my country after the American invasion saying: Jihad, we HAVE kick out Americans even before seeing any results .. Just making a hell big issue out of nothing .. and those naive Iraqis especially in baghdad believed him and loved him .. why ? coz he's from a respectful family .. coz they love his uncle who's a hero for many iraqis .. ( and he is for everyone ) ..
Moqtada and many others who are from "respectful" families made me hate their families and suspect the fact that there families were oneday people who were fighting against Saddam & dictatorship ..
To me, now, they were all trying to be "the one" .. that's it
In Iraq, nobody wants to do good things for Iraq itself, there has always to be something to do with him or his people .. somehow ..
The problem is that we don't understand that there's a big difference between the old Sader and the young sader !! BIG DIFFERENCE, I swear ..
one of my friends who's religious but intellictual talks to me in a foolish way: "it's not his fault (means Moqtada) he's still young and donno wat to say, he's not aware of politics yet, but he loves Iraq more than others"
WHAT? Fuck oFF, let him love iraq or whatever the shit u saying but loving iraq doesn't mean that I need to follow him and his naive stupid thinking ..
Iraqis nowadays have no sense .. no logic ..
when I went to Iraq after the downfall of Saddam, I took a cab and I met a very educated guy who's the driver .. I asked him:
if there r some open minded ppl like u in Iraq, how the hell Hakim and his fuckers came in charge of my country?
he replied:
coz it's not about him, it's a contest between Sunnis and Shitties .. when sunnis says "we ruled Iraq for many years, u shitie, cant come and rule us now!!" I must vote 4 a shitie to prove to the sunnis that i'm able to do it !!
NO sense, I told u, no logic .. !!
I'm sick and tired of my nation .. nothing would solve it except me being the president of Iraq who can shut up the religious asses and make my country "Dar Al salam" as it was always called "the home of peace" ..
but who knows? I may also be like them, someone who does it for his own profit ..

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Those r just some lovely painting that I want to share:

Klimt - Kiss


Joan Miro

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Islam is not for me

I loved this song so much .. it cracked me up .. hope Bin laden in his bathroom and Moh'd in Hell will listen to it.

In English:

They try to tell me my religion is wrong
They try to tell me to follow Islam
They said their prophet was a righteous dude
But I found out none of their words were true
I read the Quran and I read the hadith
And the sickness of Muhammad was apparent to me
He justified perversion in the name of Allah
When he married a girl too young for a bra
She was playing with dolls when the prophet came
Her childhood was stolen in Allah's name
Aisha was nine when he took her to bed
Don't tell me that fool's not sick in the head

Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.

The sickness of the Islamic mind
Has caused the Mullahs to be blind
To justify their prophet they would justify sin
So the sins of the prophet are repeated again
All over the world in Islamic states
9 year old girls suffer cruel fate
Sold into marriage to twisted men
And Aisha's sad story is repeated again

Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.

Do you care about women all over the world ?
Do you care about those little girls ?
Then stand up and fight for human rights
Speak out against the laws of Islam

Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.

In French:

- Ils essaient de me faire croire que ma religion est fausse
- Ils essaient de me convertir à l'islam
- Ils m'ont dit que leur prophète était un homme vertueux
- Mais je me suis aperçu que rien de ce qu'ils disaient n'était vrai
- J'ai lu le Coran et j'ai lu les Hadiths
- Et la perversité de Mahomet m'a sauté aux yeux
- Il justifiait la perversion au nom d'Allah
- Quand il épousa une petite fille trop jeune pour un soutien-gorge
- Elle jouait à la poupée quand le prophète vint
- Son enfance fut volée au nom d'Allah
- Aïcha avait neuf ans quand il la mit dans son lit
- Ne me dites pas que ce dingue n'était pas malade de la tête

- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.

- La perversité de la mentalité islamique
- a rendu les mollahs aveugles
- pour justifier leur prophète ils justifient ses perversions
- alors les perversions du prophète se répètent encore et encore
- Dans tous les états islamiques du monde
- des filettes de neuf ans subissent un cruel destin
- vendues pour être mariées à des pervers
- et la triste histoire d'Aïcha se répète encore et encore

- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.

- Vous souciez-vous des femmes du monde entier ?
- Vous souciez-vous de toutes ces fillettes ?
- Alors levez-vous et défendez les droits de l'homme
- Dénoncez haut et fort les lois de l'islam

- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi

In Arabic:

أنا ديني غلط !
تقولون لي أنا هذا الكلام ؟!
تجاهدون و هدفكم أعتنق الإسلام ..
تسويقكم لصلعم صار عندي مفضوح ..
لا صاحب حضاره ولا حتى صاحب ذوق
قرأت القرآن و قرأت الأحاديث .. و خبال محمد صار واضح
بالنسبه لييبرّر الفساد بإسم الإله..
ينكح بنت صغيره على إرتداء سوتيانكانت تلعب بالعرايس
.. يا حرام .... و ماتت الطفوله بمباركة الرحمن
عايشه كانت بعمر تسع سنوات .. يوم أخذها محمد للفراش
لا تكابر و تقول إن هذا التصرّف مو صادر عن مخبول ..
مستحيل أتبع مهووس جنسياً .. يدعي المراسله سماوياً ..
يتحرّش بالأطفال لن أصدّق كلام من يغتصب الأطفال ..
الإسلام ليس ليإذا برّرنا جرائم صلعم ..
وقتها الجريمه راح تتكرّر كثيردار مدار العالم
و بدول الإسلام بنات التسع سنوات يواجهون ذات المصير ..
مصير الزواج من رجل حقيرو قصة عايشه
راح تتكرّر كثيرالإسلام ليس ليهل تهتم بالنساء حول العالم ؟
.. هل تهمّك تلك الطفله ؟قم و دافع عن حقوق النساء ..
قم و حارب تطبيق شريعة الإسلام
الإسلام ليس لي

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Iraqi ID through the Iraqi HIST - Part.3

v Kurds:

The Kurds as a nation is a very debatable concept for many historians and politicians. Because of the complication of Kurds and their contain of different religious and ethnical groups, I see that maybe I have to clarify part of the Kurdish image which many of us don’t know. Beside the issue of an independent Kurdish country being discussed repeatedly by the media, scholars, and people.
The historians never agreed on one definition for the Kurdish nation. Some of them refused to consider the Kurds as one nation because of several reasons. Some of those reasons are the absence of one Kurdish language because all those who are being considered as Kurds according to the modern history came from different places and have different religions. That’s why there are more than four Kurdish languages at least (Karmanjia, Soraniya, Thathaiya, and Koraniya) and there are about seven religions (Islam with its two sects, Christianity, Judaism, Alawites, Kakaiya, Yazidia, and Zoroastrian).
And as the Kurds were discriminated by Arabs (Ba’athists sent the Kurds Filis ‘the Shi’ite Kurds’ to Iran in 1969 describing them as ‘non Iraqis’ because they are actually double cursed of being Kurdish and Shi’ite!), Turks, and Persians. But Kurds actually participated in the Holocausts against the Armenians in Turkey (1914-1915) and against the Assyrians in Iraq (Even though, the new definition of Assyrians refer to them as Kurdish Christians).
What makes a nation according to the British Sociologist Antony D. Smith is “Belonging to an ethnicity that has between its individuals common myths about its origin, that are related to a specific land, it has some common cultural specifications, and shared belonging feelings and cooperation between its individuals” (Smith 253)
Or maybe it’s what Stalin claimed the nation to be: “it has a common history, language, land, economical life, and culture that expresses the spirit of the nation”. Which made Stalin hesitate and not cooperate with the Kurds in helping them to make their independency because they don’t actually have one language, ethnicity, or economical life.
Kurds are part of the Iraqi identity even if we will or will not consider them as a nation because they have been always part of a conflict going on in Iraq like the conflicts with Arab nationalists, Ba’athists, and Sunnis. The Iraq conflicts here can defined (as I believe) as the main thing to identify the Iraqi Identity. It’s the real soul of Iraqi Identity.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Iraqi ID through the Iraqi HIST - Part. 2

v The Republic of Iraq:

After the fall down of the monarchy, Abdulkareem Qasem raised as a communist leader who was one of the main organizers of the Iraqi communist party that many of the historians clarified how it contained many of the low and middle classes including the Shi’ites, the farmers, and the small traders. Qasem’s time awaken the strength of Sunni domination over Iraq and its capital in specific. Even though he was a Sunni and from a Shi’ite Kurdish mother, Qasem never stood beside one of the sects and the strength he gave to the Shi’ites was because of his ambition to offer a better life for the poor people who the majority of them were Shi’ites. (See: Trip, Charles. A History of Iraq. Cambridge, Polity press, 2000).
Being an Iraqi despite your sect was a very annoying thing in Qasem for the Arab nationalists (Nasirians and Ba’athists). He tried his best to make the non- Arab nationalist Iraqis take the higher positions in Iraq and even though his period wasn’t clear from suffocating times but overall it was the era of liberality, ideological variety and productivity ever in Iraq throughout the last century. (See: Zubaida, Sami. “Community, Class & Minorities in Iraq Politics; The Iraq Revolution of 1958” I.B Tauris, London 1998).
In 1963, Ba’athists came to power after assassinating Qasem on TV and started offensives of killing the heads of communist party till they reached the stage by the time of Ahmed Hassan Al-baker (who’s one of Saddam’s relatives) where they killed anyone who had any of Karl Marx’s books for example. “Ba’athists came to power with an American support that was afraid from a strong communist Iraq, and when they started killing, they never had enough. They worked on strengthen Sunni power in Iraq based on the system of the Arab tribe and deleting all what Qasem did for the Iraqis in offering jobs despite your religion, sect, or ethnicity and other adjustments Qasem worked on. They started another era of terror”. (Zubaida 209)
Then, Saddam showed up. He was different than the Ba’athist presidents before him, he was more intelligent. Saddam came back to Iraq with the help of his uncle and the president before Ahmed Hassan Al- Baker. Many Iraqis think that Saddam forced Al- Baker to sign that he doesn’t want to be a president anymore, so Saddam can take his presidential position. Before that, Saddam was in exile in Syria after he tried with some Ba’athists to assassinate Abdulkareem Qasem who later on has forgiven them and decided not to prosecute them.
Saddam was more influenced by the System of the Arab tribe. He belongs to one of the Northern Arab tribes that came from Najd to Iraq centuries ago. They are too proud of themselves to be able to accept other ethnicities, religions, and sect. Ba’athists at Saddam’s time didn’t hesitate to state their hate toward Shi’ites, Kurds, Persians, and Jews. It’s not a new thing for anyone that the discriminative forma of Saddam was shown by his holocausts done against Shi’ites and Kurds.
When you look at Saddam’s political family, you will discover that most of the close people to him are from his own tribe or Northern Arab tribes even though he later on tried to pretend that he’s the grandson of prophet Mohammed or Imam Ali (Sayd) which is a very annoying thing for Shi’ites or his try to include a Kurdish minister and another Christian just to apply the Ba’athist ideas about one Arab nation despite your religion.
The Iraqi Republic seems to give us an impression that there’s kind of a one Iraqi identity. For sure it’s an identity that includes different people from different aspects, but at least the Iraqi society parts are more attached to each other and the regional dividing no longer exists. It was the time of establishment of Iraqi identity probably because the Iraqi war became just an inside war between parties at the first level and sects in an invisible way.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It just cracked me up LOL

The Iraqi ID through the Iraqi HIST - Part. 1

v The Monarchy:

Although the Iraqi historians confess that the English colonizer had offered a lot of positive things for the Iraqi society starting from theatre and cinema and ending up with the trains but that wasn’t enough for the Iraqis at that time because the English colonizer chose to keep the good things he brought to his ‘mollycoddle colony’ for just specific people; the non Iraqi king, Sunnis, Jews, soldiers and officers. All the English tries to develop Iraq was mainly focused on the oil regions; that’s why we see theatres and cinemas in areas like Baghdad as the capital and the city of the highest percentage of Jewish population in Iraq and Basra as one of the very wealthy areas of oil in Iraq. And that’s why we see these two cities more modernized and developed than the other ones. Which means that the English colonizer wasn’t really better than the Ottoman one (Maybe he was more peaceful or more diplomatic) and he wasn’t really looking after the comfort of its ‘mollycoddle colony’!
That’s why Shi’ites in Iraq were one of the main reasons of the success of Iraqi revolution (The 20’s revolution as Iraqis called it). They have been discriminated by the English colonizer and the monarchy even though King Faisal once mentioned in his diaries that it annoys him when he hears people saying: “the death for Shi’ites, the hunger for Shi’ites, but the jobs for Sunnis” and he tried as much as he can to make Shi’ites have a good life in Iraq when he was ruling Iraq but that was out of his hand because as long as most of Shi’ites are poor, Britain will never find an importance for those people.
Afterward, the history changed and the Shi’ites had the chance to be part of the Iraqi society and its different classes not only as a bunch of poor farmers but also as an economic and political power.
Among the first thirty years of the last century, Jews were the highest population in Baghdad and they were the ones who took control over the Iraqi market. Also, they established a new Iraqi music at that time after they kept the secrets of Iraqi Maqams for a long time without teaching them to any not trusted person. They established all the show places for music and dancing. They moved many western ideas or styles to the streets of Baghdad and broke the red lines of not allowing women to sing at night clubs for example or the bad look toward those who want to play music all the time and work in it professionally which is not an acceptable thing in the Iraqi society back then; they just think that a Musician doesn’t really know how to make money by a ‘noble’ job, that’s why he chose to sing! But that wasn’t the case after what the Iraqi Jews did; they formatted the whole Iraqi mentality in several years with the help of their money and the English colonizer. Then, Baghdad started having most of its women wearing short skirts without being criticized, finishing their higher studies abroad, and participating in the whole social and political life.
It doesn’t really matter if the Jews were doing that just for their own benefit but what all Iraqis believe in is that Iraqi Jewish community has been always a quite one which didn’t have that much of political power because that was for the Sunnis more than anyone else. It’s a local community that has its finger stamps on the Iraqi history and the process of the Human development even if Iraq lost most of them after they immigrated to Israel or forced to (That’s still debatable).
Then, the immigration of Iraqi Jews gave the chance for the Shi’ites to take control over trading and they proved their goodness in that. For sure, that was annoying Sunnis at the beginning but afterward the unity of Sunnis and Shi’ites to fight against the English enemy made them focus on one aim.
Hanna Batatu talked in his book “Shi’ites of Iraq” about that in details and he explained how the Shi’ites weren’t really trying to identify themselves as Shi’ites even though they have been discriminated because of their sect, but they just didn’t have this actual conscious of the religious identity. At that time, they didn’t have any type of organized religious movements which aim to educate people and conscript them for specific reasons. The domination of Mullahs was serving the seigneurs who were serving the monarchy and it’s colonizer. And after all that was just a try to classify the Iraqi society and take it apart: “Traders were being classified not only ethnically (Arabs, Kurds, Turkmans, Aramaeans, and Armenians) but also according to their classes and their fortune” (Batatu 11)
“The monarchy tried to classify the Iraqi society in the following way: Religiously, Muslims over Christians, Jews, and Sabians. Sectarialy, Sunnis over Shi’ites. Ethnically, gorgonians and Turks over Arabs, Kurds, and Persians. And socially, pashas first, head officers, Sufi and Sunni leaders, then traders”. (18)
Politically, the Shi’ites never had any effect on the power itself, they had some times were they were able to express their voices but the actual presidential power has never been Shi’ite among the last century. Maybe Qasem was their favorite one because his mother was a Shi’ite Kurdish (Akrad Filia – which means a Shi’ite Kurd who immigrated to the south or the capital because of their sect and they can speak Arabic but many of them can speak none of the four Kurdish main languages because they are more ‘Arabized’).
Moreover, we need to have a look at the social classes during the time of monarchy away from Baghdad. We will see that the other parts of Iraq were under the domination of tribes and Mullahs. During the monarchy time, Belonging to Arabic roots especially in the country-sides was a very important thing and many of the tribes were using it to get power and fortune. Actually, tribes (as a very Arab thing that the Arab history was built on) were used in a way that kept the Iraqi farmers and tribes’ individuals away from civilization and close to the abuse of colonizer, monarchy, seigneurs, Mullahs, traders and Sheikhs of tribes.
Arab Nationalism reached Iraq at that time especially during and after the second world war and the Iraqi Arab Nationalists were supporting Germany because they had the same hate for U.K and its supporting for Israel. Those Arab nationalists encouraged Germany to kill the Jews and they asked all Iraqis to kill the Iraqi Jews. One of them was called Rashed Ali Al- Kilani who made a revolution that lasted for months and then failed against the English. And he cooperated in making holocausts against Kurds, Assyrians, Communists, and Jews. He was one of those Arab extremists who wanted to keep just the Arabs and Sunnis in Iraq.
At the time of Iraqi monarchy, you can conclude that the Iraqi identity seems confused. It suffer from discrimination according to the sects, religions, ethnicities, and classes. People were having many inside wars with the other Iraqi on a side and with the colonizer and its presenter (The king) on the other side..

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This is a logo that one of the kuwaiti bloggers posted to say that he refuses any try to get Iraq back as a member of the GCC ..
I can just tell him one thing:
We aren't from the Gulf, we don't like to be categorized as part of the "Arabian Gulf" (although history and Geography it's the Persian Gulf) .. We are proud of our civilazations not oil money :) FUCKIN RACIST ..
P.S >> This "Arab Gulf" shows by his logo that he doesn't know how to write in Arabic .. UH, I bet he spends hours on readin 1 article about the difference between the desert and the River ;)
لإنضمام العراق مو للإنضمام العراق، ياعربي
حتى لغتكم ما تعرفونها ..

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Why did I become an Atheist?

My friend "Mr. Ghost" has asked me to tell him why I became an atheist. It's a pretty complicated issue...

I was a religious person 'Shiite' who thinks life is just about praying and fasting bla bla bla... Then day by day while I was watching people (especially my people) dieing everyday and God is doing nothing ..

I lost my faith of God Automatically and gradually..

From a scientific point of view, there's no way to believe in god. Just recently, an American scientist clarified by a study that there's a power controls the universe but he refused to call it "GOD" coz that isn't an academic thing to do or scientific and objective thing to say... After all, scientifically there's no such thing called God but a universal power..

Personally, I find the idea of God very deceiving. It was created by man to justify any thing that doesn't make sense. It kills the logical human mind!
Religion to me is the reason of all the hate, war, racism, killing, wars, discrimination etc.. In the world, So there's no way to believe in Religion first, and there's no sense when we believe in God ..

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Religious Rulers = War criminals

What's goin on now in Iraq says a lot of things .. This small war with Turkey and Iran on the other side .. To me, it means a lot of things:
1) It's a try to get the people busy in a war with an outsider as Saddam did make us busy in his wars with the neighboors.
2) It's a try to kill any try to give the Kurds an independency and destroy all what they've done to rebuild their region.
3) It's a good way to make the Iraqis and the international community assume that the US needs to stay and protect Iraq.

What does really matter for me is that Maliki's way in giving speeches those days seems redicilous coz he pretends to be this peaceful man that doesn't want to hurt anyone. Although he knows about those who torture Sunnis in secret prisons and the rest of shit.
It's funny (not as in hahaha) to see a dictator, religious man, killer, & ciminal gives speeches about love, peace, and Anti- war.

That does not really work, get urself a life 'jawady', just say: u have no power, u r the young whore of Bush ..

Friday, June 1, 2007

Homosexuals - action again !!

If you followup with the Kuwaiti blogs, or If u read those sites talk about the rights of minorties, u certainly red something about a very important issue goin on in Kuwait .. See, I'm really an expert in kuwaiti issues :l I mean I know a lot about it coz I've lived there for a while .. So, I know that kuwait is filled with homosexuals and it's better than other Arab countries societly in accepting homosexuals .. ppl don't treat them badly .. maybe they feel a little bit annoyed but not more than, which is in compare with other Arab countries a very good thing.

( The Scream by the Kuwaiti carver Sami Moh'd)
Kuwait just had an article added to its constitution that states the punishment for all those who imitate the other Gender .. which means homosexuals .. but they didn't say "homosexuals" maybe coz they didn't want to refer that they have some of them in their country 'it's shameful' !!
what's really sucks is the public silence .. ppl haven't said any single word .. UH!
There's no kuwaiti who says give the homosexuals the right of same gender marrige.. except some liberal writers who are refused by the society like Dr. Alia'a Shuaib (PhD in ethical philosophy - london) and Dr. Ahmed Al - Baghdadi (PhD in political sciences) ..
Kuwaiti society still believe that homosexuals are either bad God's believers - Bad Muslims (Uh, give me a break) or have a physical disorder!
To them, there's no such thing called "I want to express my sexual desires differently"!!