Thursday, June 21, 2007

Islam is not for me

I loved this song so much .. it cracked me up .. hope Bin laden in his bathroom and Moh'd in Hell will listen to it.

In English:

They try to tell me my religion is wrong
They try to tell me to follow Islam
They said their prophet was a righteous dude
But I found out none of their words were true
I read the Quran and I read the hadith
And the sickness of Muhammad was apparent to me
He justified perversion in the name of Allah
When he married a girl too young for a bra
She was playing with dolls when the prophet came
Her childhood was stolen in Allah's name
Aisha was nine when he took her to bed
Don't tell me that fool's not sick in the head

Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.

The sickness of the Islamic mind
Has caused the Mullahs to be blind
To justify their prophet they would justify sin
So the sins of the prophet are repeated again
All over the world in Islamic states
9 year old girls suffer cruel fate
Sold into marriage to twisted men
And Aisha's sad story is repeated again

Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.

Do you care about women all over the world ?
Do you care about those little girls ?
Then stand up and fight for human rights
Speak out against the laws of Islam

Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.

In French:

- Ils essaient de me faire croire que ma religion est fausse
- Ils essaient de me convertir à l'islam
- Ils m'ont dit que leur prophète était un homme vertueux
- Mais je me suis aperçu que rien de ce qu'ils disaient n'était vrai
- J'ai lu le Coran et j'ai lu les Hadiths
- Et la perversité de Mahomet m'a sauté aux yeux
- Il justifiait la perversion au nom d'Allah
- Quand il épousa une petite fille trop jeune pour un soutien-gorge
- Elle jouait à la poupée quand le prophète vint
- Son enfance fut volée au nom d'Allah
- Aïcha avait neuf ans quand il la mit dans son lit
- Ne me dites pas que ce dingue n'était pas malade de la tête

- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.

- La perversité de la mentalité islamique
- a rendu les mollahs aveugles
- pour justifier leur prophète ils justifient ses perversions
- alors les perversions du prophète se répètent encore et encore
- Dans tous les états islamiques du monde
- des filettes de neuf ans subissent un cruel destin
- vendues pour être mariées à des pervers
- et la triste histoire d'Aïcha se répète encore et encore

- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.

- Vous souciez-vous des femmes du monde entier ?
- Vous souciez-vous de toutes ces fillettes ?
- Alors levez-vous et défendez les droits de l'homme
- Dénoncez haut et fort les lois de l'islam

- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi

In Arabic:

أنا ديني غلط !
تقولون لي أنا هذا الكلام ؟!
تجاهدون و هدفكم أعتنق الإسلام ..
تسويقكم لصلعم صار عندي مفضوح ..
لا صاحب حضاره ولا حتى صاحب ذوق
قرأت القرآن و قرأت الأحاديث .. و خبال محمد صار واضح
بالنسبه لييبرّر الفساد بإسم الإله..
ينكح بنت صغيره على إرتداء سوتيانكانت تلعب بالعرايس
.. يا حرام .... و ماتت الطفوله بمباركة الرحمن
عايشه كانت بعمر تسع سنوات .. يوم أخذها محمد للفراش
لا تكابر و تقول إن هذا التصرّف مو صادر عن مخبول ..
مستحيل أتبع مهووس جنسياً .. يدعي المراسله سماوياً ..
يتحرّش بالأطفال لن أصدّق كلام من يغتصب الأطفال ..
الإسلام ليس ليإذا برّرنا جرائم صلعم ..
وقتها الجريمه راح تتكرّر كثيردار مدار العالم
و بدول الإسلام بنات التسع سنوات يواجهون ذات المصير ..
مصير الزواج من رجل حقيرو قصة عايشه
راح تتكرّر كثيرالإسلام ليس ليهل تهتم بالنساء حول العالم ؟
.. هل تهمّك تلك الطفله ؟قم و دافع عن حقوق النساء ..
قم و حارب تطبيق شريعة الإسلام
الإسلام ليس لي


Mister Ghost said...

That's funny. Marrying Aisha at 6 and consummating the relationship at age 9 is perverse - I don't care whether it was Bedouin tradition or Arab tribal custom - some things are just wrong.

My Friend, do you know that Iranians girls can be married as early as 9, because that was when Mohammed did the nasty thing with Aisha?

Ali Sina at Faith Freedom does a great job. Have you ever read the angry mail he receives from Muslims? Always makes me laugh. Especially when they curse him out with every profanity you can think of, and then end the email with Sincerely Yours or Have a Nice Day.

Did you hear about the Muslims protesting Rushdie's knighthood?
It looks like it's going to be a repeat of the stupid Mohammed cartoon crisis all over again.
Can't wait until they burn down a KFC in Islamabad. LOL.

You know, I have read The Satanic Verses, and I found it to be a
beautiful book. I thought Rushdie humanized Mohammed in the book -
well it appealed to me.

Sumerian Girl said...

Lo0o0o0o0oL .. Have no comment actually .. everything is just Pathatic ..
I love Salam Rushdiy .. he has a great mind .. his mind is too good to be understood by Muslims :)

Mister Ghost said...

Sumerian Girl, have you seen Islam Rage Boy? LOL, he shows up at all the anti-Western protests in India.

Ahhh, you know what I wanted to ask you? Did you read the poetry of Nazek al-Malaika? I see that she died the
other day.

Sumerian Girl said...

He's really funny. Of course I know Nazik Al-Maklaika .. It was really bad news .. she was the last person from the modern generation that changed the Arabic poetry .. she's wonderful.. studied different languages and Arabic and English literatures in the US.. she has a great poem called "The Colera" ..
Where did u read that (_) do u speak AR? !!

Mister Ghost said...

Sorry my friend, I don't speak Arabic - I wish I did. Maybe I can learn. I've thought of getting books from the library on basic Arabic, and listening to language CDs. I've learned some Farsi that way.

Here's a link to Nazik's story.

I hope you have a nice weekend and have a chance to do some fun things.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

Very silly blog
So u r pretending that u r extremely care about Aisha !!
I respect all religions, when I comment one of them in a wise mature conversation, it comes politely, and to know the truth, not to make fun of others and show that ME & only ME who is right and all the OTHERS are wrong.
It seems that u have problem with Muslims, u have Islam-phobia, just like some Muslims who have American-phobia, Israeli-phobia …etc. So u r not different my friend, u r just sick as they r. find a psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as possible, just to be a healthy member in this mad society. Don’t let the hatred controls u as it controls many from all over the world. Don’t live in your dreams that Iraq is yours and all the “others” have to leave it, because that exactly what the “others” are saying about u too. I’ve seen maps after maps, telling the borders of this people or community, the illusion state of this or that sect and nation, all are coming in the same spot of lands, and each map is pretending that it’s theirs. Everyone is struggling to show that the others are wrong and they missed the right way, no one of u is seeing the human as a human, no one is accepting the other, ur vision is only few centimetres ahead and u think ur self that u reached the truth and the only truth ?
I have so long comments, but I don’t think that u would even think about them, from what I read in ur blog, u r filled up with hatred. U think ur self that u discover the atomic bomb by saying this rubbish about the marriage of the prophet, as if no one ever had spoke about the subject, and as if no one ever had replied and explain the story.
People still converted to Islam, some western women also converted to Islam after studying Aisha’s biography, including all the “propaganda” that u mentioned. Actually I’m pleased that for every person from the Middle East who is leaving Islam and making fun on it, there r 3 in the west who are converted to it (I’m saying 3 to be logically as much as I could, I don’t want to say that the number reaches sometimes up to 10 persons).
Asked ur self why ? Actually I was surprised, why would this blond girl converted to Islam while she already has a very good life and relations with everyone ? Because they read books, they didn’t depended on the media to have their knowledge like what the case seems to be with u, they wanted to search the truth, they didn’t search for an argument to make a conflict with others, … all of that is because they have pure hearts, not filled with hatred like the people in the Middle East, whom are fractured day after day into mini silly issues. No one is considering about the Americans, the most important right now is to build my illusion state, whether it was Sumerian, Kurdish, Sunnis, Shiites …etc, and of course I have to mention that only my state is right and all the rest are wrong and have to leave the area for my tiny mini dreams! That reminds me with Europe in the 15th century, when they were sinking in their sectarian conflicts between the Orthodox & the Catholic, while the Ottomans were conquering the whole Eastern Europe. May be the Middle Eastern nations re living their 15th century today, where every one is allying himself with Americans against the “others”, even if those “others” were his neighbours, sharing the same food from the same land, drinking the same water, but the hatred in their chests, and the automatic reaction in their minds about the “others” in his illusionary state, are blinding them to see that the only “others” in the region should be Americans, they are blind to see that such illusionary pure states are just impossible today, they are blind to see that we are all a well-done mixture of nations in this region, our grandfathers go back to the Ottoman Turks, whom their roots merged with Cherkassys, whom their roots merged with Kurds, whom their roots merged with Arabs, whom their roots merged with Assyrians ……. All the way back in history, there is no “pure” blood left in this mad world (including the Jews in Israel, who are from all over the World), so STOP claiming that “this land is ours and the others had to leave it” !! Learn how to live with those “others”, because ur grandfathers lived together with them for centuries peacefully in general, and the conflicts in history had happened and finished by that time, there is no way today to revenge of an injustice happened 60 years ago, so imagine the conflicts which happened centuries ago ! STOP making fun and insulting the most sacred examples of other’s believes. Put your hand with your brother who is in front of you to build a better World and place. Don’t live in history books, study them, have the lesson, but don’t live in an illusionary world.
I wish that one day I’ll see everyone respecting the other, respecting his and her religion, and making blogs to spread the nice words and comments about others, not to spread hatred and insults about others.

Anonymous said...

shame you don't even know that Aisha was 36 year old when the prophet put her in his house, and probably never touched her because she always had her period (This is the meaning of Humaira'a, Aisha's Nickname!).. people like you always get affected by media like two peas in a pod!

Anonymous said...

وكانت هذه المادة مثيرة للاهتمام للغاية ، وخصوصا أنني كنت تبحث عن أفكار يوم الخميس الماضي هذا الموضوع.