v The Republic of Iraq:

After the fall down of the monarchy, Abdulkareem Qasem raised as a communist leader who was one of the main organizers of the Iraqi communist party that many of the historians clarified how it contained many of the low and middle classes including the Shi’ites, the farmers, and the small traders. Qasem’s time awaken the strength of Sunni domination over Iraq and its capital in specific. Even though he was a Sunni and from a Shi’ite Kurdish mother, Qasem never stood beside one of the sects and the strength he gave to the Shi’ites was because of his ambition to offer a better life for the poor people who the majority of them were Shi’ites. (See: Trip, Charles. A History of Iraq. Cambridge, Polity press, 2000).
Being an Iraqi despite your sect was a very annoying thing in Qasem for the Arab nationalists (Nasirians and Ba’athists). He tried his best to make the non- Arab nationalist Iraqis take the higher positions in Iraq and even though his period wasn’t clear from suffocating times but overall it was the era of liberality, ideological variety and productivity ever in Iraq throughout the last century. (See: Zubaida, Sami. “Community, Class & Minorities in Iraq Politics; The Iraq Revolution of 1958” I.B Tauris, London 1998).
In 1963, Ba’athists came to power after assassinating Qasem on TV and started offensives of killing the heads of communist party till they reached the stage by the time of Ahmed Hassan Al-baker (who’s one of Saddam’s relatives) where they killed anyone who had any of Karl Marx’s books for example. “Ba’athists came to power with an American support that was afraid from a strong communist Iraq, and when they started killing, they never had enough. They worked on strengthen Sunni power in Iraq based on the system of the Arab tribe and deleting all what Qasem did for the Iraqis in offering jobs despite your religion, sect, or ethnicity and other adjustments Qasem worked on. They started another era of terror”. (Zubaida 209)
Then, Saddam showed up. He was different than the Ba’athist presidents before him, he was more intelligent. Saddam came back to Iraq with the help of his uncle and the president before Ahmed Hassan Al- Baker. Many Iraqis think that Saddam forced Al- Baker to sign that he doesn’t want to be a president anymore, so Saddam can take his presidential position. Before that, Saddam was in exile in Syria after he tried with some Ba’athists to assassinate Abdulkareem Qasem who later on has forgiven them and decided not to prosecute them.
Saddam was more influenced by the System of the Arab tribe. He belongs to one of the Northern Arab tribes that came from Najd to Iraq centuries ago. They are too proud of themselves to be able to accept other ethnicities, religions, and sect. Ba’athists at Saddam’s time didn’t hesitate to state their hate toward Shi’ites, Kurds, Persians, and Jews. It’s not a new thing for anyone that the discriminative forma of Saddam was shown by his holocausts done against Shi’ites and Kurds.
When you look at Saddam’s political family, you will discover that most of the close people to him are from his own tribe or Northern Arab tribes even though he later on tried to pretend that he’s the grandson of prophet Mohammed or Imam Ali (Sayd) which is a very annoying thing for Shi’ites or his try to include a Kurdish minister and another Christian just to apply the Ba’athist ideas about one Arab nation despite your religion.
The Iraqi Republic seems to give us an impression that there’s kind of a one Iraqi identity. For sure it’s an identity that includes different people from different aspects, but at least the Iraqi society parts are more attached to each other and the regional dividing no longer exists. It was the time of establishment of Iraqi identity probably because the Iraqi war became just an inside war between parties at the first level and sects in an invisible way.
After the fall down of the monarchy, Abdulkareem Qasem raised as a communist leader who was one of the main organizers of the Iraqi communist party that many of the historians clarified how it contained many of the low and middle classes including the Shi’ites, the farmers, and the small traders. Qasem’s time awaken the strength of Sunni domination over Iraq and its capital in specific. Even though he was a Sunni and from a Shi’ite Kurdish mother, Qasem never stood beside one of the sects and the strength he gave to the Shi’ites was because of his ambition to offer a better life for the poor people who the majority of them were Shi’ites. (See: Trip, Charles. A History of Iraq. Cambridge, Polity press, 2000).
Being an Iraqi despite your sect was a very annoying thing in Qasem for the Arab nationalists (Nasirians and Ba’athists). He tried his best to make the non- Arab nationalist Iraqis take the higher positions in Iraq and even though his period wasn’t clear from suffocating times but overall it was the era of liberality, ideological variety and productivity ever in Iraq throughout the last century. (See: Zubaida, Sami. “Community, Class & Minorities in Iraq Politics; The Iraq Revolution of 1958” I.B Tauris, London 1998).
In 1963, Ba’athists came to power after assassinating Qasem on TV and started offensives of killing the heads of communist party till they reached the stage by the time of Ahmed Hassan Al-baker (who’s one of Saddam’s relatives) where they killed anyone who had any of Karl Marx’s books for example. “Ba’athists came to power with an American support that was afraid from a strong communist Iraq, and when they started killing, they never had enough. They worked on strengthen Sunni power in Iraq based on the system of the Arab tribe and deleting all what Qasem did for the Iraqis in offering jobs despite your religion, sect, or ethnicity and other adjustments Qasem worked on. They started another era of terror”. (Zubaida 209)
Then, Saddam showed up. He was different than the Ba’athist presidents before him, he was more intelligent. Saddam came back to Iraq with the help of his uncle and the president before Ahmed Hassan Al- Baker. Many Iraqis think that Saddam forced Al- Baker to sign that he doesn’t want to be a president anymore, so Saddam can take his presidential position. Before that, Saddam was in exile in Syria after he tried with some Ba’athists to assassinate Abdulkareem Qasem who later on has forgiven them and decided not to prosecute them.
Saddam was more influenced by the System of the Arab tribe. He belongs to one of the Northern Arab tribes that came from Najd to Iraq centuries ago. They are too proud of themselves to be able to accept other ethnicities, religions, and sect. Ba’athists at Saddam’s time didn’t hesitate to state their hate toward Shi’ites, Kurds, Persians, and Jews. It’s not a new thing for anyone that the discriminative forma of Saddam was shown by his holocausts done against Shi’ites and Kurds.
When you look at Saddam’s political family, you will discover that most of the close people to him are from his own tribe or Northern Arab tribes even though he later on tried to pretend that he’s the grandson of prophet Mohammed or Imam Ali (Sayd) which is a very annoying thing for Shi’ites or his try to include a Kurdish minister and another Christian just to apply the Ba’athist ideas about one Arab nation despite your religion.
The Iraqi Republic seems to give us an impression that there’s kind of a one Iraqi identity. For sure it’s an identity that includes different people from different aspects, but at least the Iraqi society parts are more attached to each other and the regional dividing no longer exists. It was the time of establishment of Iraqi identity probably because the Iraqi war became just an inside war between parties at the first level and sects in an invisible way.
So you believe that Qasem was the best Iraqi leader?
I think what you are saying is hardcore tribal type Sunnis like Saddam were xenophobic - they didn't trust non-members of their tribe?
I have heard those rumors that the CIA gave the list of the Communists to the Baathists - I wonder how the CIA got a hold of the names in the first place? But it definitely was a battle of proxies with Russia to stem Soviet influence in the Middle East - I think at that time, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia, Libya, Jordan, etc. were client states of Russia.
Sumerian Girl, did you hear about the Orphanage they found in Baghdad? That was horrible.
He was The best of the bad Iraqi leaders .. at least, we Iraqis, knew his own truth .. the way he lived in a small flat .. ppl loved him ..
CIA knows everything .. some ppl say that Baathists came to power by US which means that they were keepin CIA updated .. I don't know who from the Ba'athists needed the CIA list .. communists were communists .. obviously .. but at the Ba'athist time, regime had better intelligent agency than maybe the CIA.
many countries in the ME were Russian allies .. South Yemen, Syria, Ethopia, Libya ..
But definitly not Jordan was was the greatest alley of UK and now US .. while Egypt, in my opinion, pretends at Jamal Abdulnaser time that it's communist which isn't true. Jamal wasn't communist and US made him a president.
tis horribly horrible ..
Yup, my friend, you're right about Jordan. I got my countries confused.
You really think the U.S. helped put Nasser into power? I don't believe that - I'd say there was a better chance that the Russians did so or helped him out at least.
Wasn't Nasser an anti-Colonialist? I can't see him accepting help from the West. Wouldn't that go against his Pan-Arabism?
Yes, those orphanage photos reminded me of holocaust photos.
Just, a total dehumanization.
U have to know that Arabs like to deal secretly .. Many Iraqis and Arabs love to think that Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were putin charge by Americans .. and I'm one of them .. Jamal's Ideology means nothing to him coz he's someone who wanted to come to power .. we can say that he after a while "broke up" with them which I didn't agree on.
see, the case of Jamal is pretty complicated .. he was the 1st to ask Arabs to kick out Arab Jews which Basically increased the people of Israel which means that he helped founding and establishing Israel in an indirect way .. Maybe ppl dnt agree with me and I seem too dramatizing but honestly to me this guy has no beliefs but loves to play with feelings, dominate, and expand the western power in order to benefit himself.
Noooooo, Sumerian Girl how can you believe the U.S. was responsible for Bin Laden and Saddam? The Iraqi tribal culture was responsible for Saddam - survival of the fittest and cruelist. And Bin Laden, just a product of Islam and Jihad - Bin Laden didn't need the U.S. to come to fruition - good ol' Wahabbism provided the motivation, was the root cause.
My Friend, why do Arabs always believe in these crazy conspiracy theories?
See, the US here wasn't used to refer to the people but the government and u know that ur government can do anything.. putting someone Baathist is better than a communist one to the US. Saddam as Jamal was supported by the US but maybe he after a while "borke up" with them.
The case of Bin laden is different. Us and KSA supported bin laden Against soviets and then Al-Qaeda became stronger and dominated Afghanistan and brain washed people by tryign to fight all non muslims like Islam says including the US. I believe that Bush knew about the 9/11 and he used as an excuse to invade Afghanistan .. As well as he did use the secret weapons in Iraq to invade Iraq.
didn't u watch the 9/11 Fehrenhait for example?
No, I didn't see 911 my friend. I don't believe in such conspiracy theories.
How come, if Bush is so inept and stupid, as most Liberals claim,
he could pull off 911 and then totally screw up in Iraq?
I think you could make a better case that Franklin Roosevelt, the American President during WWII, knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, and needed them to, to end America's isolationism and enter the War.
I don't know about secret weapons in Iraq - I know they've tested new systems - but yes, the U.S. does have lots of secret weapons.
Sumerian Girl, have you ever heard of red mercury - that was another
conspiracy theory - the U.S. was in Iraq to steal the oil, steal the red mercury, and to steal the Iraqi women.
Loooooooo0ooooooL .. Iraq women? I dnt mind .. if they'll take me to NY.. :)
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