Monday, July 30, 2007
Forza Iraq =)

Friday, July 6, 2007
The Shi’ite- Sunni Conflict Puts Santa Claus Down!!
In the article in Time magazine entitled “Sunnis vs. Shi’ites: Why they hate each other; what’s really driving the civil war that’s tearing the Middle East apart”, Bobby Ghosh talks about the coming civil war in Iraq and its way to spread into the whole Middle East. It’s honestly an article that suffers from the lack of information where you can see the horrible reading of an eastern society by a westerner.
When I see a title like this that presents a pretty huge issue in Iraq and the Middle East, which gives me the sense of how cheap this magazine is where any writer picks up a big topic to talk about without any well done research and information.
Then, you notice the picture on the cover that suggests two covered faces, one of them the Sunni and the other is the Shi’ite. Being an Iraqi, this picture really makes me laugh because both of the faces suggest Sunni faces; both of them used head covers which are stylishly Sunni. Because the Shi’ites are more than the Sunnis in Iraq, they didn’t choose to try to get control over Iraq by suicide bombings but by organized armies. Therefore, Shi’ites are too powerful to hide behind a cover! Even the Shi’ite Iranians who’s against the recent Iranian system “Halq (or the creation)” don’t cover their faces; covering faces is a very Sunni thing that is used even in the other Sunni countries like Palestine.
In the first page of the article, the writer chooses several good pictures that present both Sunni and Shi’ite families even though I bet that none of the American readers will be able to tell who’s the Sunni and who’s the Shi’ite, even the writer himself. But I like the pictures because I feel they are saying that all of them are humans, they are just Iraqis. But at the same time, putting the pictures of normal people suggests all Iraqi people are involved in this religious war. While in fact, this war is all about politics; each rich Iraqi who lived in Iran or anywhere else came to Iraq after the fall down and decided to have an army or to fight against the Americans because he thinks he’s the most suffered Iraqi ever and that his ideology or religion is the right one.
Going back to the article itself, this article isn’t special in any way; just another article that views an American who relates Iraq to the American ambitions and shamelessly puts the blame on the Shi’ites and Sunnis for the American failure in Iraq, as if America was the beloved Santa Claus! And then he goes on giving the evidences of how do Shi’ites and Sunnis hate each other which are totally false examples like quoting a sentence by a Sunni leader: “If I see a Shi’ite child about to drown in the Tigris now, I will not reach my hand out to save him”. It’s true that the leaders of the Shi’ites and Sunnis hate each other and would like to burn each other but it’s not true that when the Shi’ites were drowning, the Sunnis were happy. Iraq is a country of multiculturalism that lasted for thousands of years where Jews, Christens, Muslims, Sabians, Yazidians and other seventeen religions and nations lived together in one neighborhood. So a four-year-old war and a thirty five-year-old dictatorship can’t change a whole country because they used to live in this way under the dictatorship marrying each other and working with each other.
Moreover, the part where the writer was giving six examples on the war between Iraqi Muslims like names, prayer, mosques, homes, accents, and cars, he was telling differences not examples of hate. Shi’ites have their own sacred historical characters. Therefore, they have their own names that were named after the names of their religious characters. The same thing goes with the Sunnis. And that goes with all other aspects, those differences existed a long time ago and it has never been a problem in the Iraqi society. Also, the Shi’ite beliefs are totally different than the Sunni ones except the main ones like believing in prophet Mohammed and Quran and those differences made the Shi’ites in another position from a religious aspect. Otherwise, things like homes, cars and accents have nothing to do with Iraqis. Homes and cars are related to the class this or that Iraqi belongs to and the accents go according to the cities and regions not to the sects.
On the other hand, I found that the writer had a lot of mistakes that can not be forgiven like saying that Shi’ites are minority in Lebanon and that Syria started to be led by a small Shi’ite suspect called Alawites! Shi’ites are the majority of Muslims in Lebanon and this small group is influenced by the Shi’ite system of beliefs, however, they are totally different; they don’t believe in Mohammed but Imam Ali as the soul of God! Does that look like Islam or Shi’ism?.
Then, the writer talked about the Shi’ites under Saddam’s regime. It’s true that they really suffered but they suffered as much as other Iraqis did. Their leaders who tried to revolt were hardly punished and tortured as much as the other religious and Ideological Iraqi leaders had. Communists, some Ba’athists who don’t agree with Saddam, Jews, Kurds, Shi’ites, Sunnis all suffered from Saddam. However, the writer started his point about the history of Shi’ites under Saddam regime by saying that they liked him at the beginning because he treated them as equal as others.
Moreover, the writer quoted a lot of sentences taken from some reports where the people were supporting his point about this coming war in Iraq and how people are involved in it. But by the end of the article, he said that people said that they will talk if their names will be changed even though we have a big similarity of names in Iraq which will not let any one know them and therefore hurt them; there are millions of small kids called Hussein or Ali! Saying so, I really suspect the fact that there’s someone who really talked to the reporters!
In some particular paragraphs, the writer tried to show his sympathy towards Iraqis saying: “Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have lost loved ones, jobs, homes, occasionally entire neighborhoods- and then into the wider society”. It’s true that this religious war did cost us a lot but it didn’t cost us as much as being occupied by Americans cost us at least 620,000 Iraqis according to the last statistics done by the U.N. without counting those people who were tortured till death in the secrets prisons like Abu Ghrib. Once, an Iraqi Shi’ite Parliament member said: “If America with all its millions of supplied troops wanted to stop the war in Iraq, the war would end quickly. But for the politicians, oil is more important than lives”. That’s why my younger brother (five-years-old) suggested once that we give Americans money so they will leave our country!
It’s true that we have some people who are involved in this war because the leaders killed one of their family members and made them assume that someone from the other sect did so. It’s true that we have some fanatic religious places like Al- Thwara which is an area that was built up by our previous beloved president Abdulkareem Qassim who was killed by Ba’athists, for the homeless people in Baghdad and the area was named after him but changed to Al- Thwara (The revolution) and then to the Al- Sader area because all of the people in this area are Shi’ites and support Moqtada. They are just simple people who love Moqtada because they love his uncle who was a revolutionary killed by Saddam after a long torture. It’s true that we have areas like Falwja that doesn’t like Shi’ites because they were working for the intelligent agency in Saddam’s time and the downfall of Saddam left them with nothing except being hated by the whole Iraqi Society. But those examples are just a part of a larger picture that has a lot of other positive examples.
Another true point that was mentioned is the Iranian interfere in Iraq. Believe it or not, some Iraqis from both sects wait the day to see America invading Iran where they can see America too busy with Iran and Iran paying for its interfering in Iraq. Iran supports the Shi’ites in Iraq just to make America too busy with the horrific situation in Iraq so to keep it away from Iran till they have their nuclear weapons ready to go. But describing Iran as the enemy of Arabs is such a stupid wording because Iran is just the enemy of Sunnis but not Arabs, not after the end of the Iraqi-Iranian war (1980-1988).
About the examples the writer mentioned to explain this Shi’ite domination in Iraq, I think we have to talk more about the right definition of democracy. People have to know that democracy isn’t a good thing sometimes when it comes to a country that’s filled with many ethnicities, nations, sects, and religions. That’s why Shi’ites took control over Iraq because Muslims are the majority in Iraq and Shi’ites are the majority of Muslims in Iraq (67% of the Muslim population). Otherwise, we can make democracy work out by putting people who just came out of the darkness of a thirty five-year-old dictatorship, under the hands that can educate them and politically make them aware of what’s going on. So next time, they will not elect some deceiving leaders according to their sects. I wish that Iraqis will not reach the stage where they kill millions of each others and build up another Berlin wall between them, if so, that’s not hopeless because it suggests that someone will definitely break this wall down.
To conclude, I categorize this article as one of the most pathetic articles I’ve ever read; it’s an article that doesn’t belong to the credible type of writing. It’s another American failure to show the true reality in another occupied country by Santa Claus.
Friday, June 29, 2007
son of a bitch: Moqtada
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Islam is not for me
They try to tell me to follow Islam
They said their prophet was a righteous dude
But I found out none of their words were true
I read the Quran and I read the hadith
And the sickness of Muhammad was apparent to me
He justified perversion in the name of Allah
When he married a girl too young for a bra
She was playing with dolls when the prophet came
Her childhood was stolen in Allah's name
Aisha was nine when he took her to bed
Don't tell me that fool's not sick in the head
Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
The sickness of the Islamic mind
Has caused the Mullahs to be blind
To justify their prophet they would justify sin
So the sins of the prophet are repeated again
All over the world in Islamic states
9 year old girls suffer cruel fate
Sold into marriage to twisted men
And Aisha's sad story is repeated again
Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Do you care about women all over the world ?
Do you care about those little girls ?
Then stand up and fight for human rights
Speak out against the laws of Islam
Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
sex offender, prophet pretender.
Aint gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
- Ils essaient de me convertir à l'islam
- Ils m'ont dit que leur prophète était un homme vertueux
- Mais je me suis aperçu que rien de ce qu'ils disaient n'était vrai
- J'ai lu le Coran et j'ai lu les Hadiths
- Et la perversité de Mahomet m'a sauté aux yeux
- Il justifiait la perversion au nom d'Allah
- Quand il épousa une petite fille trop jeune pour un soutien-gorge
- Elle jouait à la poupée quand le prophète vint
- Son enfance fut volée au nom d'Allah
- Aïcha avait neuf ans quand il la mit dans son lit
- Ne me dites pas que ce dingue n'était pas malade de la tête
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- La perversité de la mentalité islamique
- a rendu les mollahs aveugles
- pour justifier leur prophète ils justifient ses perversions
- alors les perversions du prophète se répètent encore et encore
- Dans tous les états islamiques du monde
- des filettes de neuf ans subissent un cruel destin
- vendues pour être mariées à des pervers
- et la triste histoire d'Aïcha se répète encore et encore
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- Vous souciez-vous des femmes du monde entier ?
- Vous souciez-vous de toutes ces fillettes ?
- Alors levez-vous et défendez les droits de l'homme
- Dénoncez haut et fort les lois de l'islam
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- délinquant sexuel, prétendu prophète.
- Je ne vais pas suivre un bourreau d'enfant,
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi.
- l'islam, c'est pas pour moi
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Iraqi ID through the Iraqi HIST - Part.3

The historians never agreed on one definition for the Kurdish nation. Some of them refused to consider the Kurds as one nation because of several reasons. Some of those reasons are the absence of one Kurdish language because all those who are being considered as Kurds according to the modern history came from different places and have different religions. That’s why there are more than four Kurdish languages at least (Karmanjia, Soraniya, Thathaiya, and Koraniya) and there are about seven religions (Islam with its two sects, Christianity, Judaism, Alawites, Kakaiya, Yazidia, and Zoroastrian).
And as the Kurds were discriminated by Arabs (Ba’athists sent the Kurds Filis ‘the Shi’ite Kurds’ to Iran in 1969 describing them as ‘non Iraqis’ because they are actually double cursed of being Kurdish and Shi’ite!), Turks, and Persians. But Kurds actually participated in the Holocausts against the Armenians in Turkey (1914-1915) and against the Assyrians in Iraq (Even though, the new definition of Assyrians refer to them as Kurdish Christians).
What makes a nation according to the British Sociologist Antony D. Smith is “Belonging to an ethnicity that has between its individuals common myths about its origin, that are related to a specific land, it has some common cultural specifications, and shared belonging feelings and cooperation between its individuals” (Smith 253)
Or maybe it’s what Stalin claimed the nation to be: “it has a common history, language, land, economical life, and culture that expresses the spirit of the nation”. Which made Stalin hesitate and not cooperate with the Kurds in helping them to make their independency because they don’t actually have one language, ethnicity, or economical life.
Kurds are part of the Iraqi identity even if we will or will not consider them as a nation because they have been always part of a conflict going on in Iraq like the conflicts with Arab nationalists, Ba’athists, and Sunnis. The Iraq conflicts here can defined (as I believe) as the main thing to identify the Iraqi Identity. It’s the real soul of Iraqi Identity.
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Iraqi ID through the Iraqi HIST - Part. 2
After the fall down of the monarchy, Abdulkareem Qasem raised as a communist leader who was one of the main organizers of the Iraqi communist party that many of the historians clarified how it contained many of the low and middle classes including the Shi’ites, the farmers, and the small traders. Qasem’s time awaken the strength of Sunni domination over Iraq and its capital in specific. Even though he was a Sunni and from a Shi’ite Kurdish mother, Qasem never stood beside one of the sects and the strength he gave to the Shi’ites was because of his ambition to offer a better life for the poor people who the majority of them were Shi’ites. (See: Trip, Charles. A History of Iraq. Cambridge, Polity press, 2000).
Being an Iraqi despite your sect was a very annoying thing in Qasem for the Arab nationalists (Nasirians and Ba’athists). He tried his best to make the non- Arab nationalist Iraqis take the higher positions in Iraq and even though his period wasn’t clear from suffocating times but overall it was the era of liberality, ideological variety and productivity ever in Iraq throughout the last century. (See: Zubaida, Sami. “Community, Class & Minorities in Iraq Politics; The Iraq Revolution of 1958” I.B Tauris, London 1998).
In 1963, Ba’athists came to power after assassinating Qasem on TV and started offensives of killing the heads of communist party till they reached the stage by the time of Ahmed Hassan Al-baker (who’s one of Saddam’s relatives) where they killed anyone who had any of Karl Marx’s books for example. “Ba’athists came to power with an American support that was afraid from a strong communist Iraq, and when they started killing, they never had enough. They worked on strengthen Sunni power in Iraq based on the system of the Arab tribe and deleting all what Qasem did for the Iraqis in offering jobs despite your religion, sect, or ethnicity and other adjustments Qasem worked on. They started another era of terror”. (Zubaida 209)
Then, Saddam showed up. He was different than the Ba’athist presidents before him, he was more intelligent. Saddam came back to Iraq with the help of his uncle and the president before Ahmed Hassan Al- Baker. Many Iraqis think that Saddam forced Al- Baker to sign that he doesn’t want to be a president anymore, so Saddam can take his presidential position. Before that, Saddam was in exile in Syria after he tried with some Ba’athists to assassinate Abdulkareem Qasem who later on has forgiven them and decided not to prosecute them.
Saddam was more influenced by the System of the Arab tribe. He belongs to one of the Northern Arab tribes that came from Najd to Iraq centuries ago. They are too proud of themselves to be able to accept other ethnicities, religions, and sect. Ba’athists at Saddam’s time didn’t hesitate to state their hate toward Shi’ites, Kurds, Persians, and Jews. It’s not a new thing for anyone that the discriminative forma of Saddam was shown by his holocausts done against Shi’ites and Kurds.
When you look at Saddam’s political family, you will discover that most of the close people to him are from his own tribe or Northern Arab tribes even though he later on tried to pretend that he’s the grandson of prophet Mohammed or Imam Ali (Sayd) which is a very annoying thing for Shi’ites or his try to include a Kurdish minister and another Christian just to apply the Ba’athist ideas about one Arab nation despite your religion.
The Iraqi Republic seems to give us an impression that there’s kind of a one Iraqi identity. For sure it’s an identity that includes different people from different aspects, but at least the Iraqi society parts are more attached to each other and the regional dividing no longer exists. It was the time of establishment of Iraqi identity probably because the Iraqi war became just an inside war between parties at the first level and sects in an invisible way.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Iraqi ID through the Iraqi HIST - Part. 1
That’s why Shi’ites in Iraq were one of the main reasons of the success of Iraqi revolution (The 20’s revolution as Iraqis called it). They have been discriminated by the English colonizer and the monarchy even though King Faisal once mentioned in his diaries that it annoys him when he hears people saying: “the death for Shi’ites, the hunger for Shi’ites, but the jobs for Sunnis” and he tried as much as he can to make Shi’ites have a good life in Iraq when he was ruling Iraq but that was out of his hand because as long as most of Shi’ites are poor, Britain will never find an importance for those people.
Afterward, the history changed and the Shi’ites had the chance to be part of the Iraqi society and its different classes not only as a bunch of poor farmers but also as an economic and political power.
Among the first thirty years of the last century, Jews were the highest population in Baghdad and they were the ones who took control over the Iraqi market. Also, they established a new Iraqi music at that time after they kept the secrets of Iraqi Maqams for a long time without teaching them to any not trusted person. They established all the show places for music and dancing. They moved many western ideas or styles to the streets of Baghdad and broke the red lines of not allowing women to sing at night clubs for example or the bad look toward those who want to play music all the time and work in it professionally which is not an acceptable thing in the Iraqi society back then; they just think that a Musician doesn’t really know how to make money by a ‘noble’ job, that’s why he chose to sing! But that wasn’t the case after what the Iraqi Jews did; they formatted the whole Iraqi mentality in several years with the help of their money and the English colonizer. Then, Baghdad started having most of its women wearing short skirts without being criticized, finishing their higher studies abroad, and participating in the whole social and political life.
It doesn’t really matter if the Jews were doing that just for their own benefit but what all Iraqis believe in is that Iraqi Jewish community has been always a quite one which didn’t have that much of political power because that was for the Sunnis more than anyone else. It’s a local community that has its finger stamps on the Iraqi history and the process of the Human development even if Iraq lost most of them after they immigrated to Israel or forced to (That’s still debatable).
Then, the immigration of Iraqi Jews gave the chance for the Shi’ites to take control over trading and they proved their goodness in that. For sure, that was annoying Sunnis at the beginning but afterward the unity of Sunnis and Shi’ites to fight against the English enemy made them focus on one aim.
Hanna Batatu talked in his book “Shi’ites of Iraq” about that in details and he explained how the Shi’ites weren’t really trying to identify themselves as Shi’ites even though they have been discriminated because of their sect, but they just didn’t have this actual conscious of the religious identity. At that time, they didn’t have any type of organized religious movements which aim to educate people and conscript them for specific reasons. The domination of Mullahs was serving the seigneurs who were serving the monarchy and it’s colonizer. And after all that was just a try to classify the Iraqi society and take it apart: “Traders were being classified not only ethnically (Arabs, Kurds, Turkmans, Aramaeans, and Armenians) but also according to their classes and their fortune” (Batatu 11)
“The monarchy tried to classify the Iraqi society in the following way: Religiously, Muslims over Christians, Jews, and Sabians. Sectarialy, Sunnis over Shi’ites. Ethnically, gorgonians and Turks over Arabs, Kurds, and Persians. And socially, pashas first, head officers, Sufi and Sunni leaders, then traders”. (18)
Politically, the Shi’ites never had any effect on the power itself, they had some times were they were able to express their voices but the actual presidential power has never been Shi’ite among the last century. Maybe Qasem was their favorite one because his mother was a Shi’ite Kurdish (Akrad Filia – which means a Shi’ite Kurd who immigrated to the south or the capital because of their sect and they can speak Arabic but many of them can speak none of the four Kurdish main languages because they are more ‘Arabized’).
Moreover, we need to have a look at the social classes during the time of monarchy away from Baghdad. We will see that the other parts of Iraq were under the domination of tribes and Mullahs. During the monarchy time, Belonging to Arabic roots especially in the country-sides was a very important thing and many of the tribes were using it to get power and fortune. Actually, tribes (as a very Arab thing that the Arab history was built on) were used in a way that kept the Iraqi farmers and tribes’ individuals away from civilization and close to the abuse of colonizer, monarchy, seigneurs, Mullahs, traders and Sheikhs of tribes.
Arab Nationalism reached Iraq at that time especially during and after the second world war and the Iraqi Arab Nationalists were supporting Germany because they had the same hate for U.K and its supporting for Israel. Those Arab nationalists encouraged Germany to kill the Jews and they asked all Iraqis to kill the Iraqi Jews. One of them was called Rashed Ali Al- Kilani who made a revolution that lasted for months and then failed against the English. And he cooperated in making holocausts against Kurds, Assyrians, Communists, and Jews. He was one of those Arab extremists who wanted to keep just the Arabs and Sunnis in Iraq.
At the time of Iraqi monarchy, you can conclude that the Iraqi identity seems confused. It suffer from discrimination according to the sects, religions, ethnicities, and classes. People were having many inside wars with the other Iraqi on a side and with the colonizer and its presenter (The king) on the other side..
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Why did I become an Atheist?
My friend "Mr. Ghost" has asked me to tell him why I became an atheist. It's a pretty complicated issue...
I was a religious person 'Shiite' who thinks life is just about praying and fasting bla bla bla... Then day by day while I was watching people (especially my people) dieing everyday and God is doing nothing ..
I lost my faith of God Automatically and gradually..
From a scientific point of view, there's no way to believe in god. Just recently, an American scientist clarified by a study that there's a power controls the universe but he refused to call it "GOD" coz that isn't an academic thing to do or scientific and objective thing to say... After all, scientifically there's no such thing called God but a universal power..
Personally, I find the idea of God very deceiving. It was created by man to justify any thing that doesn't make sense. It kills the logical human mind!
Religion to me is the reason of all the hate, war, racism, killing, wars, discrimination etc.. In the world, So there's no way to believe in Religion first, and there's no sense when we believe in God ..
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Religious Rulers = War criminals
Friday, June 1, 2007
Homosexuals - action again !!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
What does it mean to be a homosexual?
When I was 14 years old, I loved a girl and she loved me back but at that time we weren't aware of the terms homosexuals, lesbians, etc...
Just loved her, so once I felt like kissin her when she was at my room and I did. Then, Mom came in and she was in SHOCK .. SERIOUSLY..
Then she punished me in different ways especially keepin me away from my beloved girl ..
Since then, I haven't been with a GF and I thought I became straight but actually I haven't coz women still get my attention.
2 months ago I met this lesbian girl who I liked. I told her that I have a crush on her and everything went ok. But then she knew that I'll get engaged or somethin like that and she told me that she can't get with someone who plans to be in a relationship with another person one day sonly... and I accepted her decision although she couldn't accept my desire to be with her with the fact that I wana get married coz I wana be a mom and that my family isn't liberal and secular enough to accept the fact that I'm a LESIBAN or that I'm into girls not guys..
I'm just totally destroyed and sad... Can't really get over it coz I love her, feel attached to her ..
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Who's the Ba'athist?
Before that we had those clashes between the different ideologies controlled the Iraqi society - if not societies - among the last century and especially before the American Invasion. Ba'athism, communism, and Shia party (Da'awa) but the last one wasn't that famous or important back then. Before the Ba'athists took control over Iraq, we haven't seen any real hate and fight between Iraqis (Here I'm talking about those who are into politics and culture etc), we had this sense of respecting the multiculturism in our society and the other Ideologies. But by the time of Ba'athists and especially Saddam (Go back to Nabeel's song- a book about an Iraqi poet living in London) we had a real BATTLE in Iraq. And those dark emotions were moving from a generation to the next. In my case, I have an extreme hate toward Ba'athists, I just hate them, I want to erase them from the face of world, if they are 4 millions, so what? we can kick those out of Iraq as they did to more millions of Iraqis. But my feelings were making me blind that I was believing anybody who was telling me that this or that writer has written a poem about Saddam saying that He's the fucking Arab hero! I was believing anything because I was under the feeling of REVENGE!
I forgot that there are thousands of Iraqis inside Iraq who had to say that they r Ba’athists so they can live and feed their families, I forgot that all the teachers and doctors and other employees had to say that they are Ba'athists to get a job. My country is really tough to live in.
I still believe that every Ba'athist who harmed an Iraqi has to be punished by being kicked out or sent to jail (I'm against Capital punishment).
We have to notice that Iraqis are sometimes harsh to each other that u c Iraqi writers, artists, politicians fighting each other and say that this or that was with Saddam. It's a new movement in the Iraqi society. An easy one. A movement that never existed in any other societies where the brothers eat each other.
God Help my Iraq (if there's a God!) ~~
Friday, April 13, 2007
What's the wrong with Israel?
I'm as an Iraqi prefer to deal with Israel rather than some fanatic Arabs, those cheaters who were crying when Saddam was executed. At less, Israel wants to have some economical deals with us, something for our own benefit, and their own benefit too. Arabs still think that the only thing Israel thinks of is to establish their homeland that starts from Egypt and ends at Iraq. BULLSHIT! They just wanted a home after what Hitler did to them, and after what Muslims did to them over and over, MOTHERFUCKERS!
I have no problem with Israel. Of course, I'm against those Israeli soldiers who kill ppl, but I'm against those Palestinian bombers as well as I'm against those Arabs and Shameful Iraqi bombers.
Stopping Arabs from putting their noses in our stuff is one of the most important steps to get our Iraq back ~~
Anyways, While I was hanging online I found a blog that brought an important issue goin on in Kurdistan about arresting a writer who was swearing on Massoud Barzani. The blogger is criticizing this silence being held by the Kurdish mass media especially the Kurdish-English ones.
It seems to me that the Kurdish experience with Democracy seems similar to the Iraqi one. It seems as if the whole Orient is the whole fucking Orient. I haven't believed in the terms "Orient” and "Occident" till I read Edward Said's book "Orientalism - 1978". but now reading stuff about Oriental non- Arabs experiences with democracy, it all seem similar. Those experiences tell us that the people in the Middle-East are not yet ready to have democracy, they don't have this liberal mentality or awareness. Too obscurantist!
That's why we see the Kurdish media too afraid to talk about the arrested writer, that's why the Iraqis elected this fucking fucked up fucker Abdulaziz Al-Hakim. That's why the 80% of the Algerian ppl elected Islamic fuckers, etc ..
As Ziad Al- Rahbany once said: "Hek sha'ab bado hek hokoma" = This type of people deserve this type of government".
Thursday, April 12, 2007
It’s always ISLAM!
And that violent History continued to exist in the Arab and the Islamic worlds till now but now it takes more fucked up faces where you see people living under the conflict between being westernized or liberal and being an Islamic fanatic. Some Muslims made new corrected versions out of Islam that fit their style of life and their ambitions like Turkey and Tunis. But others just stuck to the old Islam with following all the details in a very stupid way like Al-Qaeda and K.S.A.
See, I’m one of those who believe that Al-Qaeda is just one of the American government’s inventions; another plan to sneak in to Afghanistan and the third world in a “legal” way. However, when I say that, I don’t refer to everybody who worked for Al-Qaeda but I refer to Bin laden and the other leaders in specific; the minds of Al-Qaeda. They are the brain washers, they are worse than Mohammed himself because they didn’t even believe in Mohammed’s theory but abused it to get to their goals. They used the words of Mohammed and his fantasist myths about God sending angels to talk to him and ask him to talk on behalf of God etc. God is a scary thing for the Arab mentality and maybe for the whole oriental mentality. Once Imam Ali said: “there are 3 types of worshipers: one that obeys God because they are slaves who are scared from the punishment. The second obeys God because they are gravy traders who don’t want God to take their money away from them. And the last group is the one that obeys God because they love him”. Saying so, Al-Qaeda chose the first group, the slaves, to achieve its goals. The slaves are more likely to bomb themselves because they have an anger against the life, they don’t love life, they like to take lives away because life made them suffer a lot. And telling them that taking lives away will make them get rewarded by God is ROCK!
Islam is Islam, the violent religion, and it won’t stop being so till they lock the religion in a basement or mosques as the Christians did lock their religion in the churches.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wish U were In Iraq ..
Haven't heard any bad things about Iraqi Jews during my whole life, they have been always part of our community till some fuckers kicked them out under the name of the fucking Arab Nationalism -- this Fucker, Jamal Abdulnaser, he's such a Jerk -- Jews in Iraq monitored Music and Arts, they were very creative and friendly, never defined themselves as Jews but Iraqis.
"They sold us as a bunch of goats!" an Iraqi Jew in Israel said and laughed in a sad and sarcastic way.
Sometimes, dad tells me that Iraq always kills its sorts of beauty, and Jews were one of those sorts.
Sorry if we killed ur Iraqi soul, it's us who lost other faithful Iraqis.
It smashes down forests and crushes a hundred men.
But it has one defect:It needs a driver.
General, your bomber is powerful.
It flies faster than a storm and carries more than an elephant.
But it has one defect:It needs a mechanic.
General, man is very useful.
He can fly and he can kill.
But he has one defect:He can think.
Bertolt Brecht - A communist German Poet and Dramatist.
Dear Salam Pax
It's me, one of your Iraqi sisters, and if not sister of Iraq, sister of humanity. Where did you go man? Why did you disappear? I've always believed that u had something u believe in and write about.
U were always confusing me, to see someone in Iraq and in the time of Saddam not being afraid from saying wat's goin on in Iraq .. My beloved country.. Couldn't believe it sometimes that there's an Iraqi speaking Fluent English in Iraq and a GAY! Couldn't really believe it, just thought that u r from one of those fucking rich families in Iraq which means a Ba'athist family. But I paused a while and said to myself: "If he's an Iraqi, it's not impossible to see him speaking different languages & having this intellectual mentality".
Forza Iraq, YuP?!
But now, u r in the States, forgot about Iraq and Iraqis as all Iraqis did before u. And if not forgetting it, crying 4 it, standing and doing nothing, not even blogging for Iraq!
Anyways, as Iraq gave born to u, it will give born to others more intelligent, intellectual, honest, good writers, and useful to Iraq more than u and me.
Not trying to be a drama Queen or overly Patriotic, but Iraq lives, and we die...
Another Fucking new blog!
Again, the media Fuckers didn't leave our favorite bloggers alone. They gave them good stuff like inviting Pax to the states which is absolutely fantastic for someone who wants to escape from Iraq and its continuous wars. However, they made out of Pax an arrogant person that he lost his addiction of blogging.
Now, we the readers write comments and they never reply back because after we gave them important positions in our lives by reading them and commenting on, now, they r just 2 busy in showing themselves off via mass media. Fuck Media!
So, this is a blog that believes in this communication or chemistry between the blogger and her readers.
Who am I? I'm an Iraqi who lives outside Iraq।I'm 19 years old now. I'm Godless or Atheist, was born as a Shiai and a converted mother (from Shiai to Sunni) I wearied Hijab when I was 13 years old than I took it off because my beliefs have changed. What does really matter to me is to see the Governments of USA, Its allies, Iran, its agents, Arabs, Muslims, and their agents out of my country. FUCK OFF GUYS...