For the 1st time after the falldown of Saddam, the Iraqi football teams gets a big cup like the Asia Cup .. That was so fuckin Awesome ..
1st time to get Asia cup ..
I'm so happy ..
Not tryin to be descrminative, but winning against the Saudis doubled the happiness coz we lost coz of them last time in the Gulf cup (kinda of a Revenge ;) )..
Also, This cup gave our players big chances to join good teams; some of them will join German and English teams ..
What A Fucking Happiness!!
Hello My Friend,
I was so happy that the Iraqis won.
And more importantly, they stopped some Saudis from suicide bombing innocent Iraqis celebrating the victory. Rotten Saudi spoil sports :)
Sumerian Girl, what is next for the Iraqi team? Who will they play now?
And can they win?
And do the Iraqis have a chance to be, what we in the United States would call, a "Cinderella Team,"
a group of underdogs who will shock everyone and win the World Cup?
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